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Product Detail


Alidya Anti Lipodystrophic Agents

Original price was: $103.00.Current price is: $89.00.


Alidya Anti Lipodystrophic Agents

Buy Alidya to treat and prevent cellulite and its visible effects such as orange-peel skin. This injectable solution contains ingredients that help restructure the adipose tissue, which is body fat. It is normal for body fat to be present, but sometimes this fat pushes against the connective tissue.

This pushing gives an uneven appearance to the skin above, sometimes referred to as an orange-peel look. Although this cellulite is not harmful, some people are self-conscious about how their skin looks.

Cellulite is more common in women than men, and although it is usually associated with being overweight, thin people also have cellulite. Some researchers believe it is poor circulation that deposits toxins in an area, triggering fat cells to swell and form cellulite.

The side effects of Alidya can include light to moderate redness at the injection site and small, superficial hematomas at the injection site. These side effects should completely resolve within a few hours of the treatment. Rarely, Alidya could cause episodes of transient pain. Alidya treatments are generally well-tolerated.


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