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Product Detail

Buy Itravil Clobenzorex 30 Mg 60 Caps



Itravil Clobenzorex 30 mg is a drug with an anorectic effect, which a patient prescribes with a BMI over 30 kg / m².

An individual who suffers from obesity and has a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30 kg / m2 can receive a prescription for the anorexic medication Itravil Clobenzorex 30 mg. If making dietary modifications does not work, your doctor may perhaps prescribe this treatment as an alternative.

Appetite suppression results from the drug’s action on the central nervous system, which it shares with amphetamine derivatives. It is recommended in conjunction with a calorie-restriction diet. It is of particular value to diabetics, hypertensives, and cardiovascular disease sufferers who are obese and at risk for developing the aforementioned conditions due to their weight. It is also possible to use it as an alternative to having a weight loss operation. In small doses and under medical supervision, the substance may not always have an addictive quality. Itravil Clobenzorex is a dietary supplement that should not be taken for longer than two months.

Itravil 30 mg: contraindications

Do not take Clobenzorex Itravil for the following conditions or symptoms:

  • severe hypertension;
  • pulmonary arterial hypertension;
  • anorexia;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • in the past, dependence on drugs, alcohol;
  • hyperteriosis;
  • pathology of the urinary system;
  • arteriosclerosis.

Itravil Clobenzorex diet pill should not be consumed by children, pregnant and lactating women. Do not use the drug with MAO inhibitors. If you have used MAO inhibitors, you should wait at least 14 days to start taking Itravil 30 mg. In our pharmacy, you can buy Clobenzorex online but consult an expert with what drugs can not take this anorectic.

Side effects

Be sure to consult your healthcare provider if the following symptoms occur:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • shortness of breath, pulmonary insufficiency;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • depression, nervousness and anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • tachycardia, pain in the sternum;
  • dry mouth;
  • constipation.

In order for Itravil Clobenzorex diet pill not to cause insomnia, the intake should be in the morning. You can buy Clobenzorex in various dosages and quantity in this section. Contact our consultant if you have any questions. Our pharmacy is officially registered and supplies only high-quality pharmaceutical preparations.

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